However, it was still a challenge to find schools for black families, There was a lot of funding going into schools, however some still felt desecrated due to the area where they lived. People believe that they were unfair funding between schools. In December 21, 1900, the experts were hired by The Merchant’s Association to investigate the accounts of some city departments and decided to change economical legislation. They found out that “documents of the board of education are especially defective in statistics relating to average attendance in the schools”; 1 in their report they stated that the city spends more on Manhattan schools and not Brooklyn. In the city schools were more stable and organized, buildings were made of bricks and stones, which capture more people and was strictly divided between genders. In other boroughs, schools were wooden and more mixed between …show more content…
In 1995 the poorest neighborhood was getting the least amount of money for their schools, while the rich were privileged. They believe that unhealthy schools don’t provide as much education as wealthy, people demand the equality. Education officials were trying to end longstanding disparities between rickets and poorest districts. Education Commissioner Leo F. Klagholz proposed to equalize 600 school districts by bringing up the budged of the poorest districts, he plans to declare standards that would determine how much it would cost to each district and not