From my own personal experience in order to be an outstanding teacher, an individual must possess the following qualities: a genuine passion for teaching, knowledgeable not only in their content area of teaching, but also in various types of learning styles, including knowledge of social and emotional barriers to learning, and they must be creative in their teaching style. If one doesn’t have a genuine passion for teaching, they become a disservice to the youth since they won’t put forth the effort and dedication that is needed to teach up to 6 different class periods a day. A teacher must be able to identify and have positive corrective measures when working with youth with social and emotional behaviors. Professional development in this area is critical to a student’s success in the classroom. Lastly, the proliferation of social media and technology should change the way educators teach, since the average student today is constantly using technology.
How would you address a wide range of skills in your classroom?
One of the classes that I used to teach was Spanish, there were a wide range of skills when it came to comprehension. For the most part, I had to design a curriculum, which had to include modifications for students with educational, social, and behavioral disorders. For example, some students were allowed extra time on their exams or assignments, grading was modified based on the work the student turned in, and classroom seating was designed to address the variations of skills. Often times, I noticed the class would be more engaged in group settings after I designated a leader and assigned tasks to each student according to their skill level. Extra credit would be assigned in the beginning of each semester for students who read a number of books that I assigned.
From my own personal experience in order to be an outstanding administrator,