Introduce the Topic
Identify the Length of Time (Include dates and # of lessons)
Your Name, School, and Grade
Student Information Slide (Maximum of 1)
Who are your students? (grade level, subject area, ability level, identified diversities)
Pre-Test Slides (Maximum of 4)
What do you want your students to know and be able to do at the end of the unit?
What are the scores in the pretest for each student and for each question?
What are the results (Provide an items/product analysis)
What does the data look like? Create a raw data display showing percentage scores per student and question.
Create a graph showing student data based on the pretest data
Create a graph showing test-item data, based on the raw data.
Based on the data what does each student know?
How will what you see in the pretest data affect what you will teach?
What methods of instruction will you use to have the most impact on student learning?
Unit Slides (Maximum of 2)
Use these slides to highlight the activities of the unit. This can be photos, work samples, etc.
Post-Test Slides (Maximum of 4)
What are the scores on the post-test for each student and how do they compare to the pre-test data?
What are the results? (Provide an items/product analysis)
What does the data look like? Create a raw data display showing percentage scores per student and question comparing the pre and post-test data.
Create a graph showing the student data comparing the pre and post raw data
Create a graph showing the test-item data comparing the pre and post raw data
Based on the data what does each student know pre-test vs. post-test?
Did your instructional plans help to improve achievement from the pretest to the post-test? If so, why and if not, why not?
Did the methods you choose have the impact you expected? Explain
Final Assessment Outcome Slide (Maximum of 2)
What was learned?
Who learned it?
What still needs to be learned?
Who didn’t learn it?