B.Ed (IInd Year)
ES-334 : Education and Society
Assignment 1
Answer the following questions
i) Explain the role of ‘community’ as an agency of education’. (250 words)
ii) What is ‘Idealism’ and what should be the role of teacher according to it? (250 words)
iii) What are the issues related to “Universalisation of School Education”. How you as a teacher can overcome the problems related to those issues to achieve universalisation of School Education.(1000 words)
Assignment 01:
Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.
i) “Not all administrators “administer”, not all workers “work”, not all teachers “teach”, not all students “study” at least not in the same way”. Discuss this statement in the light of school as a social system. (500 Words)
ii) What is meant by student evaluation of teachers? Do you think that evaluation of teachers by their students should be carried out in schools? Justify your answers (500 Words)
iii) Visit two secondary schools in your locality. Meet the Principals/ Headmasters, teachers and administrative staff of the schools. Find out what steps they are taking to improve the effectiveness of their schools. Prepare a report on your findings. (500 Words)
Assignment 01:
Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.
Answer the following question:
i) Explain the importance of open schooling system in India. Describe briefly the system of delivering instruction adopted by National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), formerly known as NOS. (500 Words)
ii) Explain the significance of chalkboard in classroom teaching. Do you think that chalkboard should be replaced by modern technologies? Justify your answer. (500 Words) iii) Visit two secondary schools in your locality. Meet the Principals/ Headmasters and teachers of those schools. Find out from them educational technologies which are available in the schools and how they are used in teaching-learning and administration activities. Prepare a report on your findings. (500 Words)
ES-362 : Computers in Education
Assignment 1
Answer the following questions in about 1500 words total. (i.e. 500 words each)
i) Discuss the any two ways in which computer is used in financial management in schools.(250 words)
ii) Explain the various principles of programme instruction.(250 words)
iii) Interview your colleagues (teachers) and students of your class on how the use of computers has made a change in the teaching learning process. Prepare a report on the same.(1000 words)
ES-363 : Guidance and Counselling
Assignment 1
Answer the following questions
i) Discuss the socio-emotional problems of children with special needs. ( 250 words) ii) Describe the various guidance services and the activities that are available for secondary school students. (250 words) iii) You are the coordinator of career counselling services in your school. Prepare career development plan for girl students of class ten. (1000 words)
ES-364 : Distance Education
Assignment 1
Answer the following questions in about 1500 words:
i) What is the difference between ‘distance education’ and ‘open education’? Explain how open education can be offered through distance education institutions as well as contiguous/conventional system of education. ( 500 words)
ii) Describe the types and stages of counselling in distance education. ( 500 words)
iii) Do you think that the evaluation in distance education programmes is open and comprehensive? Explain your answer with emphasis on internal (continuous) and external evaluation aspects related to your programme of study along with suitable examples. (500 words)
B. Ed. (IInd Year)
(January, 2013)
School of Education
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan, Garhi, New Delhi - 110068