I have never had to overcome a language barrier. I have never had to overcome a racial barrier either. As long as I can remember learning has been a part of my life. Not just learning, but education. The struggles Richard Rodriguez and Fredrick Douglass went through do not apply to me. Rodriguez and Douglass were both lucky enough to discover education, where as education found me. Fredrick Douglass once said, “Without struggle there is no progress.” This quote really sums up Douglass and his message. Douglass went through his fair share of struggles and became a better man because of it. If what I face now in my life is a struggle, how much can I really progress? At least I’ll always have education to take advantage of.
All Americans are given the right of an education. Depending on the person, this right can either be used or ignored. A large part in why so many immigrants travel to the US, is because it offers free public education. Because of taxes no child has to pay to learn. There are also no restrictions on who has the right to an education in the United States. Yet education is not appreciated by most like it should. Learning is a power. Not a power that all people have but the ones that do have it need to use it, completely use it. Fredrick Douglass realized how powerful
the ability to learn could be. So did Maya Angelou. Neither of them would have lived the lifes