a. Formulating the instructional objectives (O).
b. Providing suitable learning experiences (L).
c. Preparing appropriate tools for evaluation (E).
Instructional objectives become tangible and capable of attainment only when experiences are gained. Experiences could be gained only be engaging in appropriate learning activities. Learning experiences serve as a means by which educational objectives are attained. Evaluate evidence regarding the degree of realization of objectives can be gathered in terms of behavioural changes produced as a result of learning experiences gained from learning activities provided as a part of instruction. Thus the objectives serve as the basis for planning learning activities resulting in learning experiences as well as for evaluating eh quality of learning achieved. All the three steps are interdependent and inseparable. It can be illustrated as follows: Triangle of Evaluation L is based on O
L clarifies O
E is based on O
E clarifies O
E gives evidence on L
L gives hints to the nature of situation for