It has been said that student performance has improved when it comes to test taking when using ICT, especially in multiple choice questions. An important aspect that is lead to the dramatic change of more learners using ICT is the use of the internet in schools to conduct and evaluate research. This means mainly pupils can research something to do with their current studies or knowing additional information about something that may be interesting for themselves; this helps pupils with their learning as well and allows pupils with additional and interesting facts which may lead to future plans about what they might want to do when they grow up. ICT has provided access to the internet by which a lot of information can be seen and researched that will help understanding of concepts and
It has been said that student performance has improved when it comes to test taking when using ICT, especially in multiple choice questions. An important aspect that is lead to the dramatic change of more learners using ICT is the use of the internet in schools to conduct and evaluate research. This means mainly pupils can research something to do with their current studies or knowing additional information about something that may be interesting for themselves; this helps pupils with their learning as well and allows pupils with additional and interesting facts which may lead to future plans about what they might want to do when they grow up. ICT has provided access to the internet by which a lot of information can be seen and researched that will help understanding of concepts and