I think Education is the important thing for our life because through education we can be improving and can developing our potential to better life. The good of education is the education system which can learn the theory and from learn we can practice it in our society.
Education in a country has the same role important beside education for person. Because education is one of most the main pillars in building in a country and it is one of the key features of the country to be forward. The measure of that all is what a country give a concerning for education and what a government give more focus on in their agenda because without education a planned and measured a country cannot achieve to be they want. For example in Indonesia has the fundamental called the UUD 1945, the UUD says that Government get allocation for education 20% from the state budget, is hope can to help in repair the education like infrastucture, salaries for teacher, help the student in the financial for they parent have low-profit.
In the fact of the data shows that 6% for all Indonesia’s population have a education. See the data so many people who haven’t. This condition is bad because I think can occur a bad culture and also occur a deviation from some people to influnce the people (citizenry) as the manner to get the power. For example in Indonesia has democracy system which always launch a general election. The fact of it so many candidate of the leader do a money politic practice to make the leader way easily with give a money or merchandise for the people by free and the consequence the people must choose He/She in general election to be the winner. I think that occur because the people haven’t education of politic good and how rule of the people in the part of the democracy party, they don’t know. Education cannot be separated from culture because culture is the result of a human creativity that is always innovating and creating. While