Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates, who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE. TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 (PART ONE – 40; PART TWO – 60) PART ONE (Answer all the questions) 1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question (1x10) paper, following instructions therein. Decimal equivalent of the binary number 110111 is: 55 56 57 58 Numbers in base 10 are called as Octal System Hexadecimal System Decimal System Binary Numbering System MIDI stands for Medium Interface for Digital Input Musical Instrument Digital Interface Musical Input for Digital Interface Musical Interface for Digital Input Purpose of Arrange All option in the Word menu is to align all the paragraphs in a Word document to align all the open Word documents on screen for easy accessibility to arrange all open Word files alphabetically none of the above Payroll system is a typical example of Batch processing On-line processing Real time processing None of the above Page 1 of 5 January, 2013
1.1 A) B) C) D) 1.2 A) B) C) D) 1.3 A) B) C) D) 1.4 A) B) C) D) 1.5 A) B) C) D) A1-R4
1.6 A) B) C) D) 1.7 A) B) C) D) 1.8 A) B) C) D) 1.9 A) B) C) D) 1.10 A) B) C) D)
A collection of worksheets is called as Excel Sheets Workbook Excel worksheets Excel Book The Save As dialog box can be used for saving
References: Page 3 of 5 January, 2013 January, 2013 PART TWO (Answer any FOUR questions) 5 Page 5 of 5 January, 2013