Behaviorist Theory
Operant Conditioning
Positive & Negative reinforcement
Clear Goals
Logical Sequence
Self- Pacing
Schedules of Reinforcement
Token economies
Contingency contracts
Operant Conditioning
WATSON 1913- Observe what can be seen not mental or emotional states
Behavioral learning Theory
Keyword Obervable
Major Theorist- Skinner (Up top)
“Organisms learn to ‘operate’ on their environment in order to obtain or avoid a particular consequence”
Human behavior can be explained by a set of laws
Behavior should be studied at its simplest, most fundamental level
Principles of learning derived from research with animals should apply to humans
An observable change in behavior is the only basis for concluding that learning has occurred.
Basic Principles of Operant Conditioning- strengthening a behavior
Positive Reinforcement0 Presenting a positive stimulus immediately after a behavior has occurred
Negative Reinforcement0 removing a negative stimulus..missed
Basic Principles of Operant Conditioning
Weakening a behavior
Presentation Punishment (Type 1)
Presenting an aversive stimulus immediately after the behavior has occurred
Removal Punishment (Type 2, or time-out)
When a previously reinforced behavior decreases in frequency and eventually ceases altogether because reinforcement is withheld
Spontaneous Recovery
When an extinguished behavior reappears without having been reinforced
When an individual learns to make a particular response to a particular stimulus and then makes the same or a similar response in a slightly different situation
Ex. Transferring study skills from one class where successful to other classes.
Notices the unique aspects of seemingly similar situations and thus responds differently
Ex. Parents and teachers, both adults but different responses needed. (Maybe acting different