In today 's world, studies are the biggest competition in the world.
Education is not what it is supposed to be.
In this country, millions of students are victim of an unrealistic, pointless, mindless rat race
Political interference in education and educational institutions.
Focus on skill based education
Education system is more of testing knowledge than of teaching skill.
Helps student enjoy and understand education better than knowledge based
Reward creativity, original thinking, research and innovation.
Our education system rarely rewards what deserves highest academic accolades.
Memorizing is no learning.
Students must be encouraged to think instead of making them follow the age old syllabus. Must in education system:
Get smarter people to teach.
Implement massive technology infrastructure for education.
Re-define the purpose of the education system:
Our education system is still a colonial education system geared towards generating babu’s and pen-pushers under the newly acquired skin of modernity.
The goal of our new education system.
REINVENTING THE SAME WHEEL: Education must make the student THINK.
The system is there just to keep students occupied; now-a-days we rarely learn new skills.
The education system provides qualifications but not the experiences.
Personalize education – one size does not fit all.
Indian education system is built on the presumption that if something is good for one kid, it is good for all kids.
Decentralize education.
Example- the market for learning dancing.
Higher Education Commission (HEC) The education system of India is academic oriented and marks dependent .
Bribes and donation are taken for getting admission in college. My opinion:
The primary purpose of a school is to guide the child’s discovery of herself and her world and to identify and mature the child’s talents. Just as each seed contains the future tree, each child is born with infinite potential. In the article he suggests that many teachers and parents try to be potters instead of Gardner 's in molding their children’s future.” Imagine a school in which sees children as seeds to be nurtured-here the teacher is a Gardner who tries to bring out the potential already present in the child. This is very different from the current view which sees the child as clay to be molded where the teachers and parents are potters deciding what shape the clay should take. There is an old Chinese saying,” Give a seed to a potter and you shall have a bonsai." In a nutshell, as a teacher and parent, be a Gardner, not a potter..
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