They have tailored the internet to strategy. It strategy is to provide conservative, personalized advice to investors who value asset preservation and see trusted, individualized guidance in investing. They have embraced the internet for internal management functions, recruiting, and for providing account statements and other information to customers. However, it has no plan to offer on-line trading, as its competitors do. Self directed online trading does not fit Jones's strategy or the value it aims to deliver to its customers. Jones, then, has tailored the use of the internet to its strategy rather than imitated rivals. The company is thriving, outperforming rivals whose me-too internet deployments have reduced their distinctiveness.
These are the types of customers Edward Jones feel would best benefit from their firm.
They'll be the first to say it: Edward Jones isn't the right choice for everyone. For decades, they've believed in the same basic strategy of investing in quality investments that have proven themselves over time. They understand that this approach may be considered old-fashioned in this day and age. But if it means helping investors realize their goals, it's an approach they're going to stick to.
Are they the right investment firm for you? That depends on whether you see yourself the same way they do:
You prefer interacting with an actual …show more content…
They have a bottom up climate. Every financial planner has their own clients; so they must make decisions with their clients to decide which option will be the best thing for them.
Planning is an open climate because anyone who is able to best communicate, make, and implement the plans to the client is able to plan out their portfolio according to what is in their best interest.
Teamwork plays an important part as the business grows and with it comes success and job satisfaction. Also, since you are working as a financial representative for Edward Jones, you in some way are working individually with your clients.
Motivating Performance, this is definitely on the Theory Y side of the spectrum. According to John Bachmann, who ran the company for the past 23 years believe companies should get organic. Meaning "we can motivate people", "We can create an environment that enables people to motivate themselves." Edward Jones believes you can't threaten people just to temporarily modify their behavior, but in the end they representative achieve because something within them wants to achieve. The company keeps its workers happy with lots of training, a nurturing environment, noncompetitive bonuses, and free trips to hot spots such as Maui and