In 2013, former National Security Agency (NSA) worker Edward Snowden left to Hong Kong, China. There, he leaked information about the NSA to reporters. A few weeks later, the information Snowden gave was released to the public (Biography). What Snowden leaked revealed that the NSA collected data from companies like Facebook and Google, that the NSA was hacking computers in Hong Kong and China, and much more (Business Insider). After Snowden leaked the information about the NSA, it has made people in America and around the world aware of the NSA’s actions. Snowden has changed the world by releasing the information about the NSA (Sledge). Without Snowden, the surveillance …show more content…
Edward Snowden’s leaked information includes the fact that the NSA is invading people’s privacy by intercepting their internet communications and taking in their cell phone data. The ninth amendment is that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparge others retained by the people.” This means that rights owned by the people can not be denied by the Constitution. Privacy is a right owned by the people since it is protected and is forbid to be violated by the government, like other rights like the freedoms of speech, religion, and the press (Cole). Snowden revealed that the NSA captures billions of internet communications every day around America and the world along with cell phone data. Cell phones may store personal information, like someone’s email address (and the password) and birthday. If the NSA gets one’s email, they can find information in the emails about someone and what they are doing, which is usually private. This means that the NSA is violating the privacy of people. In addition, the NSA can also seize information from calls between people. Phone calls are usually something that are usually meant to be private between the people who are in the call. If the NSA took the information in the call, they are technically invading the privacy of people even if the information in the call is not private since the NSA would know what the two or more people are doing. Since privacy is a right of the people, the ninth amendment is being violated. Without Snowden, the world would not know that people’s calls and cell phone data are being collected by the NSA, and that our ninth amendment is being violated since we are being deprived of our privacy. Snowden’s leaked information shows he NSA is searching through internet communications and cell phone records of innocent and ordinary American citizens