The master of the metaphor, Edward Taylor, has captured the sense of the metaphor in such a way as too communicate his personal/ religious thoughts of God within his poems. Choosing his metaphors to enlighten the reader, Taylor has become an inspiration and a substance of resource to helping us understand God and his connection with our soul.
Within Taylor’s poem “Huswifery”, he uses a spinning wheel and thread to create a metaphor between the relationship of God and His creation. God, the spinner of the wheel, creates us in His image, as would a spinner of cloth create their clothes. The spinner of the loom chooses the thread and thereby that thread becomes a one-of-a-kind piece of clothing. Sharing the same likeness of the spinner, God chooses the thread for His clothes, moreover His creation, and weaves until we become a one-of-a-kind human being. We can only hope that our “Soule [will be] the holy Spool to bee”.
Taylor also uses another metaphor, within the second stanza, to show how the cloth that the spinner weaves creates an outfit worthy of representing Himself. God fashions us in His image, so that we may say “That mine apparel shall display before yee that I am Cloathd in Holy robes for glory.” In other words, we should proclaim through our words and actions that we live for the glory of the Lord. After the spinner has spun the cloth, the wearer is equipped to display and is ready to exemplify the Lord in their “Holy robes for glory.”
In Taylor’s “Upon A Spider Catching A Fly”, he uses personification to illustrate the dance of death between Satan, the spider, and human beings, the wasp and the fly. Within the beginning of the poem, Taylor gives us the account of who the wasp is and what happened to him when he fell into the web of temptation. The spider explains, “I saw a pettish wasp fall foul therein, whom yet thy whorl pins did not clasp lest he should fling his sting.” Here Taylor is