Of those millions, Columbus Catholic High School specifically respects and aspires to have
Of those millions, Columbus Catholic High School specifically respects and aspires to have
After reading the prologue and first scene in Art Spiegelman’s Maus I, it can be easy for readers to arrive at the conclusion that Vladek Spiegelman is a bit controlling, quirky, and even a bit pessimistic. As seen with his reaction to Mala’s choice to use a wire hanger to hang Artie’s coat, Vladek obviously has a specific idea as to how things should be done. If things aren’t done in the exact manner that Vladek deems fit—as seen with the conversation about using wooden hangers versus wire ones—he takes direct control in order to ensure that things are done properly. Furthermore, as seen with the scene regarding his pill-counting, Vladek is a bit quirky, as seen by his statement, “I’m an expert for this” (Spiegelman 30), implying that counting…
“I throw my weight against their locked doors. The doors hold. I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives.” What does this quote from Sherman Alexie's “Superman and Me” mean? First, the quote should be broken down into fragments. “I throw my weight against their locked doors. The doors hold.” In this part of the quote Alexie is talking about the “...sullen and already defeated Indian kids who sit in the back rows and ignore me with theatrical precision.” He is telling about how he tries over and over to teach them, but they don’t want to learn. They have shut him out and locked their metaphorical doors.…
During the war the Jews were killed without hesitation by the Nazi’s. If people, like Oskar Schindler, had done nothing the Jewish population would have been much smaller. Ideologically, whoever wrote this source assumes not only that Oskar Schindler is a good man, but also that there is a such thing as a good person. The Bible says that all men are evil sinners at heart in saying, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. The source is written by a left wing person it would seem because they are assuming that some people are good (good from birth and then you control if you are evil or not) while right wing people believe people are born evil. The strange thing is that the source focuses on individual people to do something about a problem and not people as a whole. This source is most likely written by a left wing person who has analyzed the situation that was the Nazi’s and decided that these people chose evil. Also they only way for the people who chose to do good that were individuals, of whom they must accept existed, was for them to act individually, and they did make a difference. Left wing people, such as this source, must accept that there are individuals in the world that make a difference for the better…
1.) “She would happily grab a glove, run out to the road and then fire fastballs at me that cracked my glove and left my hand stinging.” Schneider’s mother broke a stereotype every time she threw a fastball. A mother is seen to grow the emotional side of her child while the father grows the physical part. This mother seemed to do both at the same time.…
I believe that Eric Hoffer's quote is acurate and represents the countless times in history when certain nations would create a a shpere of dominance or superiority over the larger majority that are no able to speak out against inequality. Britain and other Europeans fabricated a concept of "scientific racism" and saw those with darker skin as inferior and made the African people complete forced labor. This quote could also be interpreted that leaders, no matter good or bad, rule over their common majority because they are ruling in their personal best interest.…
“The world is too dangerous to live in – not because of the people who do evil, but…
If there was a god, why would he/she be so harsh? The text is compared to the book Night by Ellie Wiesel and from the poems “Night over Birkenau” and “Harbach 1944”. The book Night tells the story of a young boy and his father fighting for their freedom from the Nazis; Ellie Wiesel tells the story of his experience of the Holocaust. Both of the poems show the journeys of people and how they pictured all of the madness. Ellie fights through many hardships, but comes out of the Holocaust victorious! Ellie and his father were both willing and strong throughout the Holocaust, but his father escaped a different way. The theme states that during survival, people think about needs rather than wants. This is clearly developed in the poems “Night over Birkenau” By Janos Piliszky and “Harbach 1944” and Night to show harshness, survival, and fear.…
"In the deeper layers of the modern consciousness, all means are unlawful, every attempt to succeed is an act of aggression, leaving one alone and guilty and defenseless among enemies: one is punished for success."…
“First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them.” If you had to take one guess as to who said this quote directed towards the Jews, my guess is most of you would say Adolf Hitler. But this quote actually comes from a man who inspired most of the German hate towards the Jews, a man who was and still is regarded as one of the great reformists of the church. A man named Martin Luther.…
A popular song says, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone." My view on this claim is that its true. There have been many incidents that this occurs to people throughtout the world.…
When a person first reads the famous quote “We must always take side. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Spoken by the notable Elie Wiesel while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize of 1986, it could cause a reaction; in this case any reaction could occur depending on a person’s morals, ethics and even values. But, what does this quote really mean?…
According to Fyodor Dostoevsky, “fear is simply the consequence of ever lie”. This means being frightened is usually the result of being dishonest. I agree with this quotation. From my experience I have learned that not telling the truth comes back to you. Of Mice and men and to kill the mockingbird are both connected to this quotation.…
According to the speech, it talks that indifference is worse than hate or anger because people will not have solidarity or take care on each other anymore due to this horrible emotion. On the one hand, when people stand idly by and do nothing, they become accomplices to a crime against other human beings.Elie Wiesel gives an example about his own experience during Holocaust: “ Synagogues burned, thousands of people put in concentration camps. And that ship, which was already in the shores of the United States, was sent back”(Wiesel "The Perils of Indifference"). People on the high level at that time did have ability to save the victims but they did not which means they are also members who lead victims to death. On other hand, we are all…
‘’’I robbed the old man-I robbed my father.’’’(83) Most people would consider this as an immoral and unforgivable act, yet throughout the novel, The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells, it is proved that Griffin should not be held responsible for his actions. Griffin’s metamorphism from visible to invisible excuses him from his actions, in light of Plato’s writings. Griffin does not have to confine himself with the boundary of right and wrong nor does he have to show signs of humanlike morality; Griffin is not being watched by the eye of the law or by the eye of others. Griffin’s atrocities can only be described as “gentle” experimentation with his power, after all, he is a curious scientist. His gain in invisibility served to bring out the monster…
The quotations say a few things, but the one I interpreted is that men run at each other during the war. They really are running towards their death. What death is saying is that by being in the war the men are running him or her. That by running towards other men with guns and bombs, they are running towards their death. Whether they evade it or not. When a man is fighting man, death stands nearby waiting and watching. The significance of the quote is that during the holocaust, men were running at "men", death, all over the place. Everywhere there was people dying and asking, begging, to die. There was so much death that it was sometimes hard to evade its grasp. It says in the book that sometimes Death was in more than one place picking and…