Effect of Crab Shells and Acacia Seeds
In Purifying Water
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in
1st Quarter
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To determine if the purified water is safe to drink and not cause complications when drinking the purified water.
To establish if crab shells and acacia seeds can purify water To identify what specie of crab can purify the water better
To know if the amount of acacia seeds can purify the water faster or better
To know which part of the crab has more effect on purifying water
The significance of the study is that we should know how to purify water in simple ways.
In the future our resources of fresh drinking water are going to deplete to a minimum unless we think of an alternative way to purify water. We can also reuse the used and dirty water and just use this method to purify them. This study can help many people that are poor and have fewer resources to do this experiment. This study can also be more organic and eco-friendly compared to the others. This cannot just only help the people but also our environment. With this experiment we can use less of factories and other non eco-friendly ways on purifying water. I chose this study because I want to have a basic knowledge on purifying water so in the future when I only have only a few resources I can use this method. I also chose this study so that we can purify water without using chemicals and just using basic things. I chose this problem because our sources of clean water are less compared to before. So this solution can help us have more water. I arrived at this problem because I think of the poor people who have no clean water to drink and there was a simple solutions on solving this problem.
Introduction Many people need clean water to drink and since water is going to be
Bibliography: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-purified-water.htm http://tasteaustralia.biz/bushfood/wattleseed/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab