Topic covered: Positive and negative emotions and bodily changes
Emotions are an integral part of our life. Emotions, often called feelings, include experiences such as love, hate, anger, trust, joy, panic, fear, and grief. Emotions are specific reactions to a particular event that are usually of fairly short duration. Emotions have both physical and mental components. Emotions colour people 's lives and give them depth and differentiation. Emotions can be positive or negative. For me, strong emotions are linked to creativity and expression.
I like to connect with people’s emotions and help them according to the situation. It just feels good to go and talk to people who are feeling low. It’s just good to understand someone and help them, even if it’s just to sit beside a friend and hold their hand. It has brought my family and friends closer and we are able to openly share our feelings both good and bad and work through them with love and care. I experience a positive emotion out here. It makes me feel good internally as well. My mind is fresh and pleasant. Positive emotion plays an important role in my life and acts as a healing component. Positive feelings are very pleasant and have a positive role in my life.
But there is also another sad side of it, it keeps me away from others and I am laid back from going into crowded places. I feel myself becoming overwhelmed at times. I am unable to interact with others. Being attacked by the emotions of the strangers from all directions is more than I can take in and I have to stay away from going to the busy malls and places where there is large gathering of the people. I am hit with negative feeling of sadness, pain, fear, anger, jealousy, frustration, shyness and occasional positive feelings of happiness, joy and gratefulness. When I experience a negative feeling, I feel low and my