Effect of Family Friendly Practices on
Labor Productivity
Research Project
FINN 350
Muhammad Asim
Group 5
Sana Iqbal
Sonia Daryani
Sidra Khan
Shiraz Sabri
In this report, we evaluate and discuss the effects of family friendly workplace practices on labor productivity. We use a sample of around 450 individuals, across 4 countries (USA, UK,
France and Germany) and 24 different industries. The relation between labor productivity and
FFWP is positive, but insignificant for a large part. After controlling for management and other control variables, the relationship becomes insignificant. Moreover, the relationship between
FFWP and labor productivity is not conditional on gender distribution, skill level of employees and quality of management.
Strategic human resource management has been associated with increase in labor productivity.
Extensive study is being conducted to investigate the relationship between human resource policies in addition to operations management and the profitability and performance of the firm.
Most interestingly, innovative approaches such as family friendly practices have caught hold of academic interest in the field of management. Family friendly workplace practices (FFWP) include practices such as flexible hours, the ability to working from home, job sharing ability, provision of childcare flexibility and feasibility, maternity leaves and many others. Basically, these practices aim to help the employees to achieve and maintain work life balance.
The application of family friendly workplace practices in an organization depends on which organizational communication theory prevails. According to McGregor Douglas, managers should conceptualize workers as motivated by higher order needs in Maslow’s hierarchy (qtd. in Miller). He asserts that they should be treated as a humans with feelings rather than just a factor of production. Furthermore, the