Invasive species and their spread has been called the "least reversible of all human impacts” (White, 1997). In the same way that “these invasions threaten biological diversity by causing population declines of native species and by altering key ecosystem processes like hydrology, nitrogen fixation, and fire regime” (White, 1997), the insertion of technology on a people not culturally ready for it will force out the natural cultural timeline. Often this change brings about many more unforeseen and for the most part, harmful changes inside the very fabric of the local culture. A perfect example of this is illustrated when a record player is inserted into the indigenous culture of a local south American culture. In this scenario, this population has existed with no outside contact for centuries and thusly has developed its own unique set of customs and traditions, one of which is a very elaborate dance and song. This all changes when explorers stumble upon this secluded society and in an attempt to save the culture’s practices, record their most important song on a vinyl. Now new generations have no need to learn the song, instead relying on the recording to fulfill the responsibility previously designated to talented native musicians (Tim Kailing, discussion).
The problem is that with the introduction of technology there is a certain dilution of what forms the tradition and customs for a society. Dilute a society too much and it no longer resembles the original culture. This happens over time and we must accept that elements of a culture will change, but that does not mean that what works as a good implementation of technology in one society will necessarily be a good implementation of said technology in another society.
Indeed, the protest against globalization more frequently revolves over the notion that there is a single "right" way to implement new technology. In some parts of the world globalization has come to be viewed as bad because the fear is that globalization equates with "Americanization", which would (though I find it somewhat of an anti-American stereotype) destroy local culture. Increasingly, larger cultures are resisting the "Americanization" implementation of new technology in favor of localized forms of modernization and an increased reliance on older more traditional ways, which delivers new technology and ideas that fit appropriately with the target culture without undermining the traditions and customs that give that culture its uniqueness and diversity. In order to resist the over whelming wave of globalization threatening to destroy them, a local culture must bring up their children in an environment that deals exclusively in, and appreciates, its own culture.
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