Background Statement
In this mathematical project, I will be investigating the learning style of a student and its effect on the student's GPA. I think that learning style has a big effect on GPA. Every student has a different learning style. Some students are visual learners where they have to see diagrams or pictures to understand ideas and concepts. Some students are “hands on” or kinesthetic learners where they have to actually be doing an activity or take part in the lesson in order to understand what they are learning. Other students learn best when they are told the information through lecture or discussion. They are an auditory learner. How a student learns can affect the way they understand a concept or idea which can affect how well they do in school. This topic is interesting to me because I have always wondered if the learning styles affected a person's GPA. I also wondered if a person with a certain learning style was better off in school and had a better GPA than someone with a different learning style. My hypothesis is that someone who is an auditory learner will have a higher GPA. This is because the school system caters to auditory learners the most. Classes are most commonly taught in lectures or discussions.
Statement of Task
In order to carry out this investigation, I will first provide students with a survey to test which learning style is theirs (attached is my cheat sheet to score the tests). I am using this survey from The Maximizing Study Abroad Series. Which was written by Andrew D. Cohen, Rebecca L. Oxford, and Julie C. Chi. The student's will be given the questions on the cheat sheet, but the questions will be out of order so they do not know what category the question belongs in. Each student I test will be in the same grade, a senior. I will test 80 students, (40 boys, 40 girls) as to assure more accurate results. Because I will be giving the students a written test with mixed up