The Almighty God;
My beloved family;
My beloved supporters;
My beloved friends
First and foremost, I thank the almighty God for his abundant blessings, guidance and protection during my studies in ISAE. I am grateful to my family members for their great support up to this arduous and challenging task.
I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. KI YULL YU. And Mrs Olive TUYISHIME for their incomparable commitments to supervise this memoir from his guidance, I gained tremendous knowledge as far research skills are concerned.
My special thanking again goes to all lecturers of Department of Crop Science for their advice, patience, help and professionalism they demonstrated throughout the process of my studies. I always remember our classmates with whom we shared happiness and hardships in Institute during our memorable five years.
Lastly, but not the least, I acknowledge all of our friends and relatives for their direct or indirect help to this work and for their perseverance during those difficult times when we were away in pursuit of this document.
God bless you!
The Irish potato is one of major food tuber crops grown in Rwanda. It plays a key role in food consumption, nutritional security and reduction of hunger. Potato plant like other tuber crops requires sufficient supply of several essential elements for proper growth and function. It is a gross feeder and exploiting greater volume of soil nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and water. Potato production has become very important in Rwanda in terms of land cropped and income generated to the potato farmers.
Despite this importance, the production of potato is still low comparatively to the potential of the crop and the region. The potatoes are grown with the same spacing and the same N fertilizer application rates around the farm of Busogo. Therefore, the present work has been carried out with the aim of determining the