Executive summary:
Today, in the market there are thousands of brands, millions of products and their different varieties being offered by different companies. In such a situation it becomes very difficult for the customer to take buying decision rationally and wisely.
Every day we see lot of advertisements on the television, or posters on the billboards, or pictures in the magazines, the question is how many advertisements or brand we are able to remember or recollect. Generally, people are able to recollect those brands with which they are able to connect.
In order to attract or hold the attention of the people marketers use the medium of provocative advertisement. It is the approach which we can call as “going off the track-gaining attention”. through showcasing something shocking, unexpected or against the normal concerns attain the attention of the people. It helps in creating the buzz.
Advertisements showcasing a model using deodorant over his body, may not appeal the elders as it might be against their values and norms, but, youth gets attracted to it. It is the message source which matters as the message source in this case is the sex appeal.
Marketers objective is to gain the interest of the people so that they can desire for the product and purchase it. Through provocative advertisements they use AIDA approach. But consumers are living in a society and by going against the societal norms, marketers may have to bear a heavy cost in terms of decrease in the goodwill and brand equity and decrease in sales.
Daring and controversial campaigns have become a new source of attracting customers. Deodorants (provocative advertisement) are being advertised in such a manner that audience can be challenged through a manner which is distinctive and closely related to the humour, sex, irritation and warmth appeals. Desire, to say,