(A Study Of Babs Fafunwa Library), Adeyemi College Of Education, Ondo.
College Library
Adeyemi College of Education Ondo
ABSTRACT Reading and the development of reading culture undoubtedly remains vital to the survival of the educational system and literacy level of any country that wishes to make landmark achievements through education. It is in light of this that the researcher decided to weigh and find out the impact one of the most important organization in the educational system has on the achievement of this aim “the library” in doing this the researcher used a student-librarian perception questionnaire to gather information. The sample consisted of 10 students who were seated in the library at the time the questionnaire was distributed and 10 librarians of Babs fafunwa library of Adeyemi College of Education. A percentages as well as T-test analysis of mean scores gotten from analysis of respondents’ were computed and analyzed in tables. Findings show that there is no significant difference between students and librarians responses to the impact of reading culture on students’ performance. (tcal=3.43, t-crit=1.73, at p<.05) Also no significant difference in responses of librarians and students on the impact of library on the development of reading culture and students’ performance. (t-cal=2.73,t-crit=1.73,at p<.05). the implications of these and possible solutions were recommended.
Background to the study
Reading is an indispensable learning skill which lays the foundation for independent studies and prepares a child for higher educational opportunities. Scholars have proposed different definitions of reading. Etim (2008) said that reading is the corner stone of learning; it is the ability to glean meaning from printed symbols. Gbadamosi (2007) quoting Okwilagwe describes
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