The effect of temperature on the reaction between Catalase and H2O2
Sarah AlShemesi
In this experiment we’ll be exploring the effects of temperature on the reaction between Catalase and H2O2.We’ll be using five different temperatures to test this. The five different temperatures will be 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90 oC. We will use the liver as a source of Catalase. A 1 gram piece of liver will be inserted into a test tube with 2 cm3 of water, then 2 cm3 of H2O2 will be added. The Catalase and H2O2 are expected to react and result in bubbles and a rise in the solution. If the bubbles form and the solution rises quickly then this suggests that the enzymes are working sufficiently and the nearing the optimum temperature.
Investigation question:
What is the effect of the different temperatures 10 oC, 30 oC, 50 oC, 70 oC and 90 oC on the reaction between Catalase found in liver and H2O2 and what will be the Catalase’s optimum temperature?
Variables: * Independent variable: Temperature in oC * Dependant variable: the height of the solution, measured with a ruler in cm. * Controlled variables: mass of liver, volume of water, volume of H2O2, method of pouring H2O2 into the liver/water solution. * The mass of the liver was controlled by measuring the liver pieces after they’ve been cut to ensure that each is 1 gram only. * Volume of water was controlled by measuring 2 cm3 using the same 10 cm3 measuring cylinder. * Volume of H2O2 was controlled by measuring 2 cm3 of it using the same 10 cm3 measuring cylinder. * The method of pouring the H2O2 into the liver/water solution was kept consistent by having the same person pour it in every time at the same approximate speed.
Materials: * Liver * H2O2 60 cm3 * 1 Ruler ( cm ) * Water 60 cm3 * 12 Test tubes * 2 Tongue * 2 Measuring cylinder 10 cm3 * 2 Droppers * 1 Beaker 100 cm3 * A bowl of ice cubes * 1 Knife * 1 Bunsen