Name: Atikah binti Muhamad
No ID : 2014601996
Class : C7
Lecturer’s Name : Madam Norshita Darlina binti Osman
Q: Discuss the effects of your parents’ values on you ?
There are many different things that I take into consideration when it comes to parenting. Parents have many different responsibilities. My lovely mother, who is Wan Khuzaimah binti Haji Hamzah and the only one my superhero is Muhamad bin Mat Saat. When we are born, we are not born with a set of values and expectations, so we learn them from our parents or adults who raise us, primarily. We learn not only through these adults teaching us, we learn by example and by observing. As we grow up and get to an age that we can understand what "values" are, we can begin to internalize them. Since we spend the most time with our families, parents are the primary adults who influence our values and expectations for ourselves.
Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, let go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Both my parents really enhance this value for their children. This value can avoid us from having revenge for the other people. Even after the fighting stops, people still feel the pain, hurt, anger, fear, and hatred that produced the conflict and its horrors in the first place. Without apology and forgiveness, people remain locked in the value systems that produced the conflict. Little progress beyond a ceasefire can be made. For example, my mum always ask us to forgive each by shaking hands after our prayers. Thus, values of forgiveness that have been displays from my parents can give the significant effect in myself.
Cleanliness value also the value that have been shown from both of my parents. Cleanliness is an essential part of Islamic life and in fact the meaning and spirit behind the concept of cleanliness is much beyond the superficial concept of the conventional cleanliness. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, informed his companions and thus all of us, about the importance of cleanliness when he said, “cleanliness is half of faith.”[1] The Quran is more specific and says, “Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves.” (Quran 2:222). My mother always clean our house every morning before she going to her works, while my father also clean our housing area from rubbish or dry leaves. They teach their children in the way helping them during the weekends. Also, after our meals, we will help mum to clean the table, plate and glasses. Therefore, I cannot denied that this value have influence effect on my life.
Next, the value of self- discipline is the other value that have been taught from my parents as I grow up. They emphasis that in our life, our society, our country or even the world will go astray without discipline. So some sort of discipline is required everywhere. Discipline is also something that needs to be used on others where necessary. If parents didn’t discipline their children when they were naughty, children wouldn’t grow up knowing right from wrong, or be able to become productive members of society who contribute to the system. Without this kind of self-discipline, people would not be able to enjoy academic success, or be successful in their careers either. As the summary, my parents taught the value of self- discipline to correct their children and teach us to save rather than being wasted.
As a conclusion, parents play the main role in shape their children. Parents serve as role models not only through direct interactions with their children, but through the examples they set with their attitude and behavior within the family and in the outside world. By addressing their concerns, sharing their lives, and maintaining a constructive perspective, parents can contribute to their children's personal growth and development. Develop fun and engaging family activities, which can share and develop the interests of both parents and the children.
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