Abstract I find, that in order to have a successful working team, you need good communication. Online teams today need to master the skills of the online environment and know how to use effective online technology in order to be successful with team projects. Online communication is new way businesses today are operating and online teams at big companies are formed with team members being in different parts of the world. Change is an inevitable occurrence, which affects organizations. Changes in technology proficiency are accepted and integrated into the employees’ work. Mastering minor technology skills makes employees more eager to learn new, more advanced technology. Online teams are able to communicate through newsgroup discussions, email, faxes, and telephone calls, but in the end, communication in any team is important and without it the team can’t operate properly. Changes in technology proficiency are accepted and integrated into the employees’ work. Mastering minor technology skills makes employees more eager to learn new, more advanced technology.
Effective Communication and Technology for Teams In this age of global competition and advancing technologies, no organization can afford to remain stagnant. Change is something that everyone experiences daily through smooth or rocky transformations. The changes and innovations are requests from management, supervisors, investors, associates, staff, suppliers, customers, and the government. Although changes, which lead to improvements, can be initiated by anyone, they can often be met with resistance. Because of the resistance factor, businesses should not focus on how to eliminate change. Instead they should focus on how to facilitate change and how to make it a positive experience for the entire organization. Of course, as the world becomes more complex, companies need to improve technologically. New and innovative tools are
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