Interpersonal skills are important to the practice of effective health and social care. Non-verbal messages are sent through by facial expressions, gestures the tone of voice, body movement and eye contact. Non-verbal communication does not involve any kind of speech and is another form of communication. This can be very important for people who cannot speak or have some sort of disability problems. People who have disability problems can have a better understanding of what they are feeling through non-verbal communication such as facial expressions, body language or hand gestures. An example of this is when someone Is ill ad has disability problems they wouldn’t be able to tell you whether they are ill or not because they cannot speak, in which you may realise the way their body language is they might be really fidgety and just don’t look …show more content…
A few example of verbal communications are taking part and going to team meetings, dealing with the different problems and complaints and discussing with one another which is the best treatment for the patient. With verbal communication you have to keep in mind that when speaking to people you have to maintain clear speech, using appropriate language, use good listening skills and non-discriminatory use of language. Clear speech is important because to pass information to the other person they will need to understand what you are saying, they may even have listening problems or any other difficulties and you will need to speak clearly and slowly. Speaking clearly helps to take in the instructions which are being given to them and understood. Another reason why you should speak clearly is because the other person can have learning difficulties and only can lip read, so for them to lip read you have to talk well and