The essay has been prepared to help all the readers to understand what is performance management, what performance management system is all about, what are the main characteristics of effective performance management system, the skills and techniques required during the process of performance management and to what degree this system can effectively manage employee performance .
"Performance Management is a systematic process through which the company/organization involves its employees, as individuals and members of a department, in achieving agreed objectives, thereby improving themselves and developing organizational effectiveness, in line with the company 's/organization mission, vision and goals".
Ref: ARMSTRONG, M.nd BARON, A. (2004) Managing Performance: performance management in action .London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
We have to believe
References: ARMSTRONG, M.nd BARON, A. (2004) Managing Performance: performance management in action .London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. The University of South Australia. (No date) Performance Management Guidelines [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2006, Nov 02] Guidelines for effective performance management (no date) [Online].Available: [Accessed 2006, Oct 20]. National archieves and record administration strategic directions :(2006) Appraisal policy [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2006, Nov 10].