What is the difference between a credit report and credit score? A credit score is just a numerical value of your credit report. This is figured from all information in your credit file. It is used by employers, lenders and landlords to attempt to make predictions on how likely you are to your make payments on time and until complete. This score will change as you make good or bad financial decisions in life. A credit report is slightly different, it’s a far more detailed summary of your financial reliability. It’s your history of paying on your debts and bills. Credit reporting agencies make this information available to a requesting third party; lenders, employers, or landlords. In addition to identifying information a credit reports include information like the number and types of accounts, payment history, outstanding debt, and age of your accounts. A credit report also includes a list of everyone who has received a credit report on you over a specific period of time. I
What is the difference between a credit report and credit score? A credit score is just a numerical value of your credit report. This is figured from all information in your credit file. It is used by employers, lenders and landlords to attempt to make predictions on how likely you are to your make payments on time and until complete. This score will change as you make good or bad financial decisions in life. A credit report is slightly different, it’s a far more detailed summary of your financial reliability. It’s your history of paying on your debts and bills. Credit reporting agencies make this information available to a requesting third party; lenders, employers, or landlords. In addition to identifying information a credit reports include information like the number and types of accounts, payment history, outstanding debt, and age of your accounts. A credit report also includes a list of everyone who has received a credit report on you over a specific period of time. I