Huiban, C., Sonenberg, L. & Shah, J. investigated implicit communication strategies for anticipatory information sharing during team performance of tasks with varying degrees of complexity. They compared the strategies used by teams with the highest level of performance to those used by the lowest performing teams to evaluate the frequency and methods of communication used as a function of task structure. With this information they found that the teams with the fastest task completion times and the lowest idle times exhibited higher rates of deliberative communication …show more content…
The results were as following: task load x automation effects were significant across all performance measures. Reliable automation limited the decline in team performance with increasing task load. Average team spatial working memory was a stronger predictor than other measures of team working memory. Frequency of team rapport and enemy location communications positively related to team performance, and work count was negatively related to team performance (McKendrick R, Shaw T, de Visser E, Saqer H, Kidwell B
& Parasuraman R, 2014).
The results of these two experiments shows reliable decision aiding mitigated team performance declined during increased task loads and teams in which members proactively communicated information about their next goal to teammates exhibited improved team performance.
Regardless to the type of research that is performed it shows that communication is the key to an individual, a team and an organizations success.
Effective communication is critical to every organization and can help with the success of the organization. Communication plays a role in every section of the organization from product development to employee management. Employees are key factors because often time …show more content…
Communication in the workplace can be either your best friend or your worst enemy. It will improve your overall workplace culture. Another positive is that good solid organizational communication eliminates barriers and resolve problems. While at the same time building stronger workplace relationships for increased productivity.
There are many potential problems that can be caused by poor communication skills.
Increased amount of employee turnover, high amounts of call outs, poor customer service skills, diminished productivity and the lack of focus. These are just to name a few.
So why does poor communication in the workplace cause these issues. Some surveys and discussions have acknowledged that lack of information is a cause. In others words keeping people in the loop. Some have said they don't feel important in the eyes of their employers. While others have stated not enough face to face interactions. Another good reason is lack of email etiquette. This is typically when an email is written strongly when it does not have to