This report explores recent literature in the fields of E-Learning, Technology in the classroom and modern theories in learning strategies and recent developments in virtual classrooms in order to inform the research question:
How effective is the use of a virtual technology to improve the learning of key educational groups?
Although there has been much debate into the positive and negative aspects of the use of technology in the classroom and the effect on students, there seems to be little into the impact on key educational groups. It was concluded that a controlled study into the effects on students was need to ascertain if technology can improve learning for different groups of students. INTRODUCTION
How effective is the use of a virtual technology to improve the learning of key educational groups?
There is an increased use of information technology in today’s classrooms and a growing trend amongst some educational theorists that education should be reflective of the students’ underlying social environments, (Downes, 2012). There is also a fear amongst some educationalists that tech-free classrooms are not the most engaging learning environment, (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2013). Educationalist have hotly debated the merits of a virtual environment for education where there is a reduced personal interaction inherent in an online learning system. (, 2013).
There is little literature and evidence which is directly related to the question of the effectiveness of a virtual environment in education. However, there is a considerable amount of material on the topics of ICT within the classroom and also current educational theories about the changes in learning paradigms and the use of virtual worlds. These areas can be investigated further to establish an academic background to qualify the future research which can be more specific. This report therefore looks at recent literature from leading authorities
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