The third way to avoid peer pressure is parents should teach their children to be productive by doing positive activities that have a positive influence in their lives such as volunteering and helping in their community, sports, dance and arts and craft. I believe if children are involved in positive activity that they love then the parents don’t have to worry about their children getting involved in bad activities such as drugs and pregnancies and peer pressure.
The fourth way to avoid peer pressure is parents should be involved in who their children select as friends. If parents notice that their child’s friends have a negative influence on them ,then it’s the parents responsibility to monitor their friendship./..I believe it’s a great ideal for the parents to meet their child’s friend’s parents and build a relationship with them.
Finally parent should help increase their child’s self-esteem, because children with high self-esteem are unlikely to become involve in bad activities. Teaching our children to be happy within themselves, and helping them to realize they don’t need outside influence in order to feel accepted. Children must learn to love themselves and know their self worth in order to avoid peer