1. Introduction 3
1.1. Background 3
1.2 Scope of supply chain 4
1.3 Why to use e-business Strategies to manage supply chain 4
1.4Dell’s supply chain management 5
1.5 Rationale of the study 6
1.6 Research Questions 6
1.7 Research Objectives 6
2. Literature Review 8
2.1 Supply Chain Management 8
2.2 Why to manage supply chain 9
2.3 E-business Strategies and Supply Chain Management 9
3. Methodology 12
3.1. Methods of Research 12
3.2. Research Philosophy 12
3.3. Research Approach: 12
3.4. Methods of Data Collection 13
3.5. Instruments of study 13 3.2.1. Interview 13
3.6. Sample of the Study 14
3.7 Interpretation Technique 14
3.6. Validity, Reliability and Generalisabilty 14
3.7 Ethical Considerations: 15
3.8 Conclusion 15
3.9 Project Plan 15
4. References 16
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Earlier supply chain process was handled manually; this tentative supply chain was an isolated process which only used to manage the services of supplying the raw material to the firm. Distributors, suppliers, customers, global sources, and information system were not integrated in a single supply chain system and outcome was production inefficiencies, cost inefficiencies e-g higher transaction costs, resource costs and information cost etc, unavailability of accurate information, delayed order fulfillment and difficulties in managing the complicated interfaces between the company and the suppliers. Several efforts were made to cope with the challenges created by the outworn supply chain system (Johnson and Whang, 2002).
Digitization of the supply chain became necessary for the efficient performance of the business. It became impracticable for the business to run without optimizing the supply chain and combining the other business processes e-g customer relationship management, logistics management and inventory management into the
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