Effectiveness of sales promotional tools in Malaysia: the case of low involvement products.
Sales promotions (Analysis)
Ndubisi, Nelson Oly
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Name: Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Publisher: The DreamCatchers Group, LLC Audience: Academic Format: Magazine/Journal Subject: Business, general Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2006 The DreamCatchers Group, LLC ISSN: 1095-6298
Date: July, 2006 Source Volume: 10 Source Issue: 2
Product Code: 9914350 Sales Promotion
Geographic Scope: Malaysia Geographic Code: 9MALA Malaysia
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The thrust of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of sales promotional strategies namely, coupon, price discount, free sample, bonus pack, and in-store display in the purchase of low involvement products by Malaysian consumers. The paper also recognises that certain demographic factors such as education and income of consumers could potentially confound the observed relationships hence, these factors were controlled. A total of 312 consumers in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia were surveyed using structured questionnaire. The results show that price discounts, free samples, bonus packs, and in-store display are associated with product trial. Coupon does not have any significant effect on product trial. Details of the findings and their implications are discussed.
Keywords: Promotion Strategies, Product trial, Low Involvement Product, Consumers, Malaysia.
A large body of research on consumer responses to sales promotions (e.g., Bawa & Shoemaker, 1987 and 1989; Blattberg & Neslin, 1990; Leone & Srinivasan, 1996; Huff and Alden, 1998) has accumulated over the past few decades due to the growing importance of this marketing lever. However, too much stress on coupons at the expense of other equally important promotional tools, has created the need for more work to be done in the area of investigating (together
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