Training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job. Training process moulds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employees. It is continuous and never ending in nature.
Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well. An efficient training program is important for many reasons. Such as optimum utilization and development of human resources, development of skills and productivity of employees.
Each year globally many millions of dollars are spent on training. It would seem reasonable to establish just how effective this training has been if only to help justify the budget. If employees are not trained effectively, then the investment made by the organization may not give desired results. Since BIBM is basically a training institute its success highly depends on the effectiveness of the trainings and the satisfaction level of the trainees. So it is very important for them to know whether the trainers are satisfied or not with the service they offer.
Since BIBM is basically a training institute its success highly depends on the effectiveness of the trainings and the satisfaction level of the trainees. So it is very important for them to know whether the trainers are satisfied or not with the service they offer.
This study is based on evaluation of training program as expected and experiences by the trainee to check that the satisfaction level of the trainees of the BIBM. Since the trainees are the main source of getting genuine feedback for the training effectiveness, thus the study has given emphasis on their views.
Literature Review
De Meuse, K.P, T.J. Hostager .E.Claire,andK.S.O.Neill (2007) present the dimensions for evaluating the efficacy of training programmes namely emotional and behavioral reactions,
Bibliography: 1. Chimote, Niraj. 2011. Training programmes: Evaluation of Trainees’ Expectations and Experience. 2. Chimote, Niraj. 2011. Measurement of Efficacy of Training Programs: An Empirical Study of Employees’ Perspective 3. Mason, Robart D. and Douglas A. Lind. 1996. Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. 9th edition. 4. Kothari, C.R. 2008. Research Methodology, New age international publishers, 23rd edition