I hypothesize that taking adderall can be harmful to your body in the long run and can be even worse when taken if not needed. I will research what this drug does to your brain and body, and if it has any long term effects. I will also observe and talk to users of this drug and ask them if it makes a difference in their everyday life. And lastly, I will interview two teachers in my school that are very educated on these drugs and ask them their opinions on adderall and the effects it has on their health.
http://www.businessinsider.com/effects-of-adderall-on-the-human-body-2012-9?op=1 http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/expert.q.a/06/16/adderall.brain.changes.raison/ Interview Questions:
1. What are your stances on adderall use for kids who need it?
2. Can adderall be harmful if used by someone without ADD?
3. Do you think there is a lot of buying and selling of adderall in this school?
4. What does adderall do to you when you take it?
5. Why do people take adderall on a daily basis?
6. Is it easy to get prescribed to adderall? How often does this happen?
7. What are the repercussions or symptoms of taking adderall on a daily basis?
8. Should it be considered cheating on a test if a student not prescribed to the drug takes it prior to the exam?
9. Would you keep adderall laws the same as they are now, or change them to make it easier to buy adderall?
Peer Reviewed Article:
Sherlyn Ezell Powell, Eileen Welch, Dan Ezell, Colleen E. Klein and Linda Smith
Peabody Journal of Education , Vol. 78, No. 3 (2003), pp. 107-115. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1493026
This first article is mainly pertaining to the examination of both sides of the controversy concerning the administration of medication to treat students with ADHD. The article speaks about how many teachers and parents don’t think their students or children have ADHD, they just think they are unmotivated and lazy towards their work. Another