A.Y 2013-2014 TO THEIR
An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal
Presented to
Ramil S. Bulilan
Faculty of the College of Teacher Education
Bohol Island State University
Clarin, Bohol
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject
Research 1(Introduction to Research)
Glaisa D. Ponte
Joper Joy A. Degamo
Rosemarie C. Lamoste
Wilma R. Lenteria
Mary Frances S. Tabuada
March 07, 2014
Chapter 1
People are now in a technology-dependent generations were everything is just a click away. Technology enables them to do things that they could not do then. These advance technologies such as computers, laptops, and cell phone are tools which give them many opportunities in acquisition of knowledge, competencies and skills relevant to the demand of the modern world. Cell phone is now indispensable; students and youngsters are the leading users of these viral gadgets, in such these gadgets is neither good nor bad but depends upon the use to which it was put to.
Cellular phones is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area and due to the fast-developing technology today, cell phones are upgraded making it more dynamic. Cell phones are not only used to communicate but now a handy source of entertainment and a means of socialization. It enables individuals to send short message services (SMS), make out-going calls, play games, listen to music, and watch videos even to programs and surf the internet anytime, anywhere.
However, like any other great inventions, cell phones are twinned with its drawbacks too. According to Saud (2013) that cell phone is the main cause of distraction in class. It has been compared to pacifiers for students. It’s the