Adults who have suffered from child abuse as children are much more likely to be abusers themselves. Because parents learn how to parent from their parents the vicious cycle of child abuse continues generation after generation. In fact according to _______ parents who were abused as children are ___ times more likely to abuse their own children ( ). So the effects of child abuse last even after a child has grown up and escaped their abusive environment.
Children who are being physically and/or emotionally abused are much more likely to struggle in school. When children are worried about what is going to happen at home they are unable to concentrate on school work. One example of this is the story of Cindy. Cindy tells that when she was in elementary school she was unable to focus on the lessons taught by her teacher because she was worried about the mood her mom would be in when she got home. Also children who are abused are much more likely to miss school. According to ____study ____ of school days are missed each year because of child abuse ( ).
Self esteem is an effect of child abuse that can last a lifetime. Low self esteem can lead to depression, difficulties in relationships and in extreme cases suicide. Low self esteem affects many areas of a person’s life. Studies show that low self esteem can result in people remaining in physically abusive adult relationships. Low self can also lead to health