Tyshenia Gavin
Virginia State University
Dr. Hodgson
Abstract This literature review explores existing literature and scholarship that outlines the effects of early child abuse (2-8 years old) on future acts of delinquency. Literature suggests that a correlation exists between the effects of child abuse and delinquency. Common problematic behaviors are socialization changes and learning abilities from early childhood to adolescence. Studies indicated correlations along with social theories such as the Social Control Theory which is dominant in explaining the relevance of these correlations. Researchers have developed programs such as early intervention and prevention programs to prevent child abuse and neglect since they are risk factors for the development of juvenile delinquency.
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................... Page 4
Thesis/Methodology ..........................................................................................Page 6
Literature Review............................................................................................. Page 7 ................................................ Page15
Intervention Programs....................................................................................... Page 17
Conclusion........................................................................................................ Page 19
References........................................................................................................ Page 21
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Child Abuse is the physical, sexual, and emotional mistreatment or/and neglect of a child. They also define Child
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