Computer technician, computer programmer, software engineer, network administrator,computer engineer, web developer, and website administrator; these are just some of the manyoccupations one can apply to once that person is a graduate of the IT course. The professionsmentioned above are all high-paying jobs and are very much currently in demand in the presentand possibly still be for the next generation to come. ( )
³Information Technology (IT
is the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and storeand transmit information.´ ( )
³It is "the study,design, development, implementation, support or management of information systems".´( )
³It refers to anything related to computing technology,such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with thesetechnologies.´In the curriculums of schools that offers Information Technology course, Computer Programming subject is ever present. It is a fundamental lesson that enables a student to learncomputer programming. According to the description found in the site, Computer programming or programming is the skill of writinguseful, maintainable, and extensible instructions which can be interpreted by a computer toperform a specific and meaningful task.´ ( ) ³It is the process of designing, (encoding
, testing, debugging or troubleshooting, andmaintaining the source code of computer programs.´ The purpose of programming is to create aprogram that would perform a task specified by the programmer, also called as customization.³The process of writing a source code often