Work atmosphere is an important aspect when analyzing working conditions of a company. Positive business culture can correlate with effective and efficient productivity, thus leading to an organizations’ financial success. Unfortunately, there are times when management must lay off fellow employees due to economics and financial reasoning. These actions are faced with dire consequences. The following report includes expected reactions by employees who continue to work within an organization after a company downsizing. The report is further directed towards management efforts to repair the torn work atmosphere, as it includes cases that both convey ineffective downsizing practices and outline successful downsizing strategies.
The extent of the research was conducted through many secondary sources, with the main content heavily based on previous academic articles. Other secondary sources including textbooks, business tribunals and business articles may also be included in the content. The sources were retrieved using Simon Fraser University library journal databases, most notably Business Source Complete, Academic Search Premier, and Google Scholar.
The research focuses on short-term and long-term associations with workers’ emotions and productivity, while displaying appropriate management responses to their employees’ emotions. The research suggests that employees’ trust and confidence, in management, becomes tarnished after an organizational downsizing, which accordingly defects productivity. The research further suggests that if these emotional symptoms continue in the long-term, management will continue to face these problematic downsizing issues. The final part of the report will focuses how to overcome these difficulties from a managerial perspective.
Based on the research conducted, the recommendations of the report focus on mitigating detrimental effects of downsizing on employees’ emotions and productivity, by delivering managers
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