Mr. Maus
Sophomore English
1 April 2012
Facebook: Negative Effects on the Teens of Today
Facebook can be very dangerous for the lives of teens. Many teens of today say that Facebook is positive because it can improve communication between other teens, which is true, but the real stated facts about the site are that Facebook can cause psychological disorders, depression, and can affect grades in a negative way.
Facebook can cause many psychological disorders. Two of the major disorders that are caused by Facebook are narcissism and anxiety. Narcissism is inordinate fascination with oneself. Narcissism can also negatively affect learning and grades for teens. “Teens who use Facebook more often show more narcissistic tendencies while young adults who have a strong Facebook presence show more signs of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviors, mania, and aggressive tendencies." (Albanesius) Narcissism is one problem that can be prevented if teens knew how to use Facebook in moderation instead of constantly using it every day. Another disorder caused by Facebook is anxiety. Anxiety is distress or uneasiness in the mind that is usually caused by fear of danger or possible misfortune. Anxiety can be caused by pictures, status updates, or even through messaging each other. Teens can also try to prevent anxiety by cutting down on their daily Facebook usage. Along with anxiety, depression can also be influenced by Facebook.
Depression is being in a deep sadness where you think that nothing good is ever going to happen to you. Depression is another major disorder that is caused by excessive Facebook use. “With in-your-face friends’ tallies, status updates and photos of happy-looking people having great times, Facebook pages can make some children feel even worse if they think they don’t measure up.” (Press) Teens can become depressed in many ways. Status updates are one of the things on Facebook that can cause teens to become depressed.
Cited: Page American Psychological Association. "Social Networking 's Good and Bad Impacts on Kids." ScienceDaily, 6 Aug. 2011. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. Albanesius, Chloe. "Facebook: Breeding Ground for Teen Narcissists." PC magazine. 8 Aug 2011: 1. Print.,2817,2390598,00.asp. Press, Associated. "Pediatricians link Facebook to cases of depression in teens." Washington Times [Washington] 28 March 2011, page. Web. 2 Feb. 2012.