An estimated two thirds of illegals who are house hold heads lack a high school diploma. (Camarota, 2004) Without adequate education, illegal immigrants subject themselves to jobs set aside for unskilled workers with low paying salaries. Due to the fact that many of the illegal immigrants live below the poverty level, money must be allocated for funding to help offset the costs of necessities such as education. The 1982 Supreme Court Case of Plyer vs. Doe makes it illegal to deny children of illegal immigrants the right to go to school. Another factor in this equation is the children of illegal aliens that were born in the United States and are therefore citizens. In either case,
both are living in households of illegal immigrants, many of whom are living below the poverty level, and would be considered in the same category with the children not born in the United States because they are living under the same circumstances. The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal
References: Bazar, E (2007) Center says immigrants’ lack of education hurts country. Retrieved November 30, 2007 from MasterFILE Premier Camarota, S budget. Center for Immigration Studies. Retrieved November 15, 2007 from Academic Search Premiere: systems. Urban Institute. Retrieved on November 15, 2007 from Draoua, M (2007). The effect of illegal immigration on the US healthcare system. Hopkins Undergraduate Research Journal, Issue 7. Retrieved November 3, 2007 from Edmonston, B., Lee, R.D Edmonston, B., Smith, J. (1997) The new Americans: economic, demographic and fiscal effects of immigration. Publication: Washington, D.C. National Academies Press. Martin, J. (2005) Breaking the piggy bank: How illegal immigration is sending schools into the red November 3, 2007 from