Imperialism is disgusting, it goes against everything this country believes. “...(We) dare not educate them lest they learn to read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States and mock us for our inconsistency.” (Bryan) This quote further explains how taking the freedom the the Philippines was like mocking ourselves. Our founding fathers would be sickened to see that we took the free will of others. What we did the the Philippines goes against all of our own beliefs, and everything we stand for. …show more content…
As Abraham Lincoln once said, “No man is good enough to govern another man without that others consent. (American Anti-Imperialist League) This statement should have cleared the fogged minds of America’s leaders. Although we gained power from taking over the Philippines, we have no right to do so.The british ruled over us so we fought for our freedom, why would we make another provience fight us for their freedom? It seemed that we could hardly govern ourselves, so why should we be able to govern them as well? The Philippines had been fighting for their independence years before we took them over. “When we made allies of the Filipinos and armed them against Spain…” (Document D, Speech, Bryan) How could we, after arming the Philippines against Spain, take them over? They fought for their independence and right when they thought they got it, we took it again. They fought for their right to govern themselves. We had no right to take them