Effects of Internet Travel Booking Sites on Travel Agencies
Jessica Bietz
University of North Dakota
Effects of Internet Travel Booking Sites on Travel Agencies
General Introduction
Since the birth of the Internet, many people have been using its resources to accommodate their travel needs. Traditionally, people use a travel agent to book their travel plans, but with the convenience of the internet, some might think travel agencies would no longer be needed. The travelers are the front line personnel in retail travel agencies providing services to travelers based on their knowledge and experience (Vasudavan and Standing 1999).
The introduction of the internet has created a debate on the future of travel agencies, as necessary elements between key suppliers and travelers may be eliminated through digital networks via the internet (Vasudavan and Standing 1999). What is not known is what effects the internet is having on these agencies and how the agencies are coping with such a vast competitor. Because travelling is such an easily accessible gateway, it is important to think about the future of its resources. For this research, I will use the quantitative method. The research will be composed of a survey of local travel agencies on their views of the effect of the internet on their businesses.
Literature Review This literature review investigates the reasons why this business in changing, impacts the internet has had on travel agencies, and the travel agents attitudes towards this new trend. Over the last two decades, the internet has had a severe impact on many things, one being traveling. The internet is composed of many resources to help us choose low prices, better destinations, and quicker flights.
Attitudes towards this Trend
Many suggestions are put out there to advise travel agents how to prosper and survive despite the