Effects of Lesioned Red Nuclei on Spatial Navigation in Rats Abstract
Through cerebellar research we have found that the cerebellum is involved in non-motor functions just as much as it is involved in motor functions. This study looked at the pathway from the cerebellum to the red nucleus to the thalamus into the cerebral cortex. Our hypothesis was that lesioning the red nucleus would show deficits like those seen in lesions of the cerebellum revealing that this pathway is crucial in visuo-spatial processing. Lesions of the red nucleus on four rats were tested against five controlled sham conditioned rats. We found that these lesions had some effect on the spatial navigations of the rats however the lesions were not found to be significant across training days. Our results imply that the red nucleus is involved in spatial navigation processes however there must be other pathways at work that allow for visuo-spatial information to be relayed.
Effects of Lesioned Red Nuclei on Spatial Navigation in Rats
It was long thought that the cerebellum was only involved in motor tasks. However in the last decade research has shown that the cerebellum is involved in many non-motor tasks such as, emotional processing, learning and memory, linguistic processing, planning, and visuo-spatial processing. A summary of cerebral non-motor functions have been reported in a recent literature review by Rapaport, et al (2000) which points to the association between the cerebellum and schizophrenia. Since schizophrenic symptoms have mostly non-motor properties it would seem that the recent studies on non-motor functions in the cerebellum would be true.
Further support on associations of the cerebellum and non-motor functions can be seen in studies such as conducted by Joyal, et al. (1996) who provided some evidence that there were spatial navigation strategy deficits following
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