In “Violent Media is Good for Kids,” the author Gerard Jones claims that violent media is good for children because it prepares them for violence in reality and teaches them how to control with rage. He argues against people’s view of violent media being negative influence on children. This view suggests that it is important to keep children away from violent media because it promotes imaginary gun battles, killing, blood, and violent fighting. In response, the author argues that such violence in media can give children a tool to master their rage.…
In Roberts Peters’ article “Censorship of Violence in Popular Entertainment Is Justified”, he writes about his personal concerns and his personal solutions to combat obscenity and uphold decency standards in the media. He believes that due to the many graphic and violent depictions in TV, films, music/RAP, video and computer games, the children in present society are easily influenced into acting out the media violence and turning it into real life violence. He believes that there are four main problems with media violence. The first problem is that is too much of it. The glut of media violence desensitizes viewers and contributes to the “mean world syndrome.” A second problem with media violence is that it can be easily imitated. He believes that the characters being depicted in the media are mostly glorified, youth characters who are troublemakers and engaged in behavior kids can readily imitate. A third in media violence is the manner in which it is depicted. He believes that the media does not show the purpose of the horror of violence, but rather the media portrays it as an exciting, pleasurable and effective way to handle problems. The fourth problem with media violence is Hollywood’s infatuation with guns, in which I quote, “Why should we be surprised to discover that kids want a gun? If Hollywood stopped glorifying possession and use of handguns, there would be fewer crimes committed by youth with handguns.” Peters wants us to know that whatever minor flaws there may be in enforcement of gun laws permitting crazy people to buy them, the real problem is that our media is saturated with violence. Although Peters’ tries to make valid points about the corruption of youth through media violence, he misses many opportunities to use prime examples as if he hasn’t done much research into the subject himself. I believe that his arguments are ineffective due to his lack of statistical evidence, such as crime rates statistics, to support his statements.…
In US, people believe violent media corrupts the minds of the youth and provokes violent actions and behaviors. Whenever there is a violent crime or act being committed by children, the first culprit the media turns to are violent video games or TV shows. In the case of one of the most infamous school shootings, Columbine, the news immediately blamed the shooting on played violent video games and music. There was no conclusive evidence for this statement, but the public still believed it. Gerard Jones, author of several works of fiction and nonfiction, writes the article, “Violent Media is Good for Kids”, to counter this popular belief that violent media is the cause of violent behavior. He brings up points on the topic that states that creative…
Whether it’s a television show, movies, video games, music lyrics, or the Internet, a worldwide communication network, a young viewer cannot escape the cataclysm. As per Roberts DF, “the average child spends 5.5 hours daily with electronic media. Including all forms of media, between 8 and 18 years of age, the average time with media is 6 hours and 43 minutes daily. (Kaiser Family Foundation; 1999). Adolescents are growing and developing individuals who are continually going through changes in every aspect of their lives. Each experience in an adolescent 's life will continue to shape knowledge, attitude, and behavior, and media continues to be an important influence. Most adolescents are able to separate fantasy from reality, but there are children who are susceptible to the theory, that media represents the real world. What effects do violent media messages and images have on adolescent? Research on violent television, movies, video games, and music reveals evidence that media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior. Pediatricians and other health care…
It competes with families, friends, schools and communities in its ability to shape young teens' interests, attitudes and values. The mass media infiltrates their lives. Most young adolescents watch TV and movies, surf the Internet, exchange e-mails, listen to CDs and to radio stations that target them with music and commercials and read articles and ads in teen magazines. “ The youth are constantly bombarded with the media's messages and they don’t know how to take it in. “The problem is that young adolescents often don't--or can't--distinguish between what's good in the media and what's bad. Some spend hours in front of the TV or plugged into earphones, passively taking in what they see and hear--violence, sex, profanities, gender, stereotyping and storylines and characters that are unrealistic. We know from research such as that conducted by George Comstock and Erica Sherrar that seeing too much TV violence appears to increase aggressive behavior in children and that regular viewing of violence makes violence less shocking and more…
Written from a scientific approach, this article by Barbara J. Wilson takes a close look at how media violence affects children. She comes to the conclusion that it is the type of violence children see, rather than how much time they spend watching it. In the article, Ms. Wilson offers ways for parents to mold their children’s impressions of the violent acts seen on television, in movies, and in video games.…
Therefore, the media should reduce the amount of violence that is in children television shows. Rethinking the plots and making shows more educational but fun at the same would leave a more positive affect on the young children watching. The violent media displayed to kids can influence the decisions they make in everyday life. According to the American Psychological Association, “Violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children teens who watch these programs”(APA,249). In other words, the American Psychological Association believes that these violent programs have a high influence on children and young teens. These aggressive behaviors exhibited by young children can cause bodily harm and also emotional harm for children. Once a child develops a pattern of aggressive behavior caused by TV Violence, it is a very process to reverse or get rid of this…
More than 1,000 studies on the effects of television and film violence have been done over the past 40 years and the majority of these studies have the same conclusion: television and film violence leads to real-world violence (United States 2). The average 7th grader watches about 4 hours of television per day, and 60% of those shows containg some violence (United States 4). A prime source of these violent images is TV news, which happens to be America 's number one sourse of news and information (Steyer 73). Most local television newscasts are dominated by killings, assaults, kidnappings, terrorist attacks, and other stories designed to provoke a strong emotional reaction from viewers (Steyer 73). In the recent years, Hollywood 's growing taste for grotesque, graphic fare has upped the stakes, from Friday the 13th to Creepshaw and Scream (Steyer 73). Even though these movies are not meant for small kids, it is a fact that young children are often regularly exposed to them in the company of unthinking par-…
Violent video games have become increasingly popular. Not only are adults enjoying the new fad, but young children are too. Many studies have been conducted in order to determine how the newest violent media has been affecting the children of today. It is a common misconception that the children who play these violent games, watch movies and television shows grow into a violent adult, while the children who more sheltered from this media become model citizens. In the article, “Whodunit—The Media?” Maggie Cutler addresses the controversy that follows the notion that violent media has a negative effect on children and asserts her opinion that instead of exploiting the media violence as harming this latest generation, working with the media will prove beneficial to the safety and sanity of the children.…
Since the 1920’s, when the first television was invented, to the 1980’s, when the internet was created, the media has developed and became a significant component of our everyday lives. Everywhere we go we are surrounded by televisions, billboards, computer screens, magazines and newspapers. The media has a massive influence on society as a whole, but teens are impacted the most. Since human behavior is influenced by what an individual sees, the effect is greater at a younger age. Present day media has a detrimental effect on teenagers, especially pertaining to violence, sex, and the influence of alcohol and drugs. How many movies and cartoons on the television show that violence is okay, that violence resolves problems, that violence is funny? In 1952, the U.S. Senate held hearings to determine if media violence contributes to adolescent aggression. The answer now is clear: It can (Children). The average child sees 12,000 violent acts on television annually, including many depictions of murder and rape (Impacts). Studies show what exposure to watching too much television increases the risk that a child will be aggressive (James). In shows, perpetrators go unpunished 73% of the time (Media). Parents of young children need to understand that exposing their children to PG-13 and R-rated movies that contain a lot of violence can also be quite scary and produce anxiety (Children). Music is another huge problem involving the influence of sex. Lyrics in the past years have become more of a reference to sex, drugs, suicide, sexually transmitted diseases, ECT (Media). Teens struggling with any of those problems will be attracted to the music that expresses their feelings. It is not just song lyrics that can influence teens; it is also the music videos. A lot of music videos show inappropriate behaviors and false stereotypes. More than half of the music videos contain violence that is often…
Many movies, television shows, music songs, and video games are filled with violence: murder scenes, nonstop profanity, rape and torture scenarios. By placing scenes like these in the movies for the children and teenagers to see, the media is causing them to become more violent than it already is. What has our society come to these days? Everywhere we look, violence is present; in the streets, back alleys, schools, and even at home. Even if one might be a pacifist, violence will keep its way into our homes through the television. Many parents these days are busy with their work, and sometimes it is hard to keep track what their children do. They are working singles or couples who must rely on others for the parenting and raising their children. Even baby sitters use television as the easiest source of entertainment for the children. Since every family has televisions and the children play video games almost every day, truly the media affects the children. The average hours of American youth watching television is about four hours, which means children spend more time watching television than in any other activity, except sleep, after school. So, parents should control the television that children watch. They need to be aware that media violence affects in the real world.…
For this assignment, you will apply the techniques of rhetorical analysis from Chapter 4 to the media violence essay from Chapter 2 that is most persuasive to you. (If you’ve changed your mind as we’ve worked on this unit, you can choose a different essay than the one you originally selected.) This time, you’ll be writing as yourself, with your imaginary critic as the audience. This essay is essentially an expansion of the elements in a rhetorical analysis paragraph into a fully-developed rhetorical analysis essay. Instead of a sentence or two on each element, you’ll have an entire paragraph to examine each element in more depth.…
Children are very susceptible to the “monkey see-monkey do” complex, they are raised to walk, talk, and act like the adults they see. So when a child is shown large amounts of violence, for example “…13 to 22 acts of physical aggression per hour in Saturday Morning television” (Scharrer 25), they tend to feel less disturbed by it. This style of desensitization is prevalent in anything that is presented to children on a regular basis. The short-term effects of media violence are easy to indentify by simply asking kids how they feel about violence after seeing said images, but the long-term effects of media of violence are harder to study because the generation that has been exposed to it the most (the current generation) has not yet fully matured. Many of the children who media violence may potentially affect haven’t grown up enough to have the freedom to commit a violent act.…
Media these days are becoming very violent. Children are our future. There are many incidents involving children being influenced by violent media now a days. Violent media can be found in video games, movies, and even music.…
Entertainment media are means of transmitting information or programs from one point to another. Some of these media include television shows, films, video games, and music. Unfortunately, some of these programs portrayed in these media have moved from entertainment to portraying violence, so many people, especially the young ones tend to mimic what they see in films. There is no doubt then that the prevalence of violence in America society is caused by violence portrayed in the entertainment media e.g. television, video games, and music.…