The higher class people never needed to pay tax. They were …show more content…
Before the revolution there was a social hierarchy called “Three Estates”. Where, the first estates include clergy (church leaders), second estates include the nobles and the third estate include the commoners. Most of the people were from the Third Estate who was supposed to pay most of the taxes, while the nobility lived the lives of luxury and got all the high-ranking jobs. Among the middle class people as commoners there were two enlightenment thinkers, Rousseau and Voltaire arose with new idea to limit power of Catholic Church, aristocracy and monarchy. Commoners then wanted more freedom from landlords. Also, bad harvests lead to shortage of food. Therefore, they revolt against Louis XVI. Here, too the tension and motive was related to commoners and the effect was the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen: liberty, equality and fraternity, with the freedom of commoners as well as the abolishment of slavery and the rights of …show more content…
According to Merriam-webster, “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”(Merriam-webster) This concept brought equality to all the class. The share was divided equal to all. It completely change the system in which the rich people were getting richer and richer and the poor people were getting poorer and poorer. All the people got equal share on the goods produced and profits gained. This brought the unity, strength and aboilished the discrimination as per social hierarchy. Hence, this is how the emergence of middle class people led revolution and revolution led the socialism