1.1 Diffusion is the process which molecules dissipate into a solution evenly over a period of time. An example is putting sugar in your coffee, after a while if you don 't mix the solution, the sucrose will over time, go through the process of diffusion and be distributed throughout the coffee. Osmosis is movement of H2O molecules passing through a permeable cell membrane to the less concentrated solution, eventually to reach an equivalent number of molecules on both sides of the cell membrane.
1.2 The important factors in the process of diffusion and osmosis is H2O being present with soluble molecules that are small enough to be absorbed through the cell membrane to then be evenly distributed throughout the object. Temperature is another important factor which must be considered. Generally the higher the temperature, the faster solutes can dissolve into the solution and a higher amount of solutes are able to be dissolved into the solution. This is because an increase in temperature means an increase in kinetic energy, resulting in molecules moving faster, and molecules going through osmosis and diffusion faster.
1.3 The aim of this investigation is to see the rate of diffusion and osmosis in different sucrose concentrates, measured by weighing pears before and after they have been submerged in sucrose solutions of different concentrations.
1.4 The projected result is that according to the percentage of sucrose in the concentration, the pear will absorb more sucrose through the process of diffusion and osmosis and will be measured by weighing the prepared fruit before and after, to show that sucrose has been absorbed by the fruit. I also expect the pear to gain weight through absorbing water, in the less concentrated solutions of sucrose.
1.5 The projected outcome by my hypothesis was close to being correct. The only result I did not take into account was the pear and solution to be isotonic, and there to be no