Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
(Employee Assistance Programme)
in the
Department Social Work and Criminology
Faculty of Humanities
University of Pretoria
Supervisor: Dr. F.M. Taute
August 2011
© University of Pretoria
I hereby solemnly declare that this document is my own work and that all the sources I have used or quoted have been acknowledged by means of complete references.
I dedicate this research to someone special who stood by me when it mattered the most. “Still I rise….” Maya Angelou
I would like to convey my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following people and institutions who contributed to the success of my research studies and Masters programme in particular:
God, the Almighty for His grace and all the blessings
My mother, for raising me to be the woman that I am today
My supervisor, Dr. F.M. Taute, for the professional guidance and support throughout the research study
Professor Karen Batley, for editing my dissertation
My manager, Matrié van Niekerk, for believing in me and supporting me in both my studies and work
My best friend Zanele, for the constant reminder of God‟s faithfulness
The Ethics Review Committee at UNISA for granting me permission to conduct my study
The participants and colleagues for opening up and sharing their views with me iii
The goal of the proposed study was to explore with line managers some guidelines for an absenteeism management programme in the environment of higher learning. The aim was to gain insight from line managers into the variables to be taken into consideration in the development of an absenteeism management programme.
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